William D. “Bill” Kadlowec

William D. “Bill” Kadlowec
Model of Excellence Award

The William D. “Bill” Kadlowec Model of Excellence Award, created in 2023 as a way for NOTFEA to recognize, encourage, and celebrate cooperation in the pursuit of justice, honors the fierce and enduring work ethic of Bill Kadlowec. We present this award to an individual or group who illustrates outstanding efforts in combating motor vehicle-related fraud via untiring and effective cooperation with others.
Bill began his career with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs in 1980. He was commissioned as a certified law enforcement officer in 1983. Proudly, Bill was one of the founders of the National Odometer Enforcement Association (now NOTFEA) when it was formed in 1980 and was the longest serving board member. Over the years Bill was awarded NOTFEA’s Lance Thomas Achievement Award (2002), NOTFEA’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2002), and the Strom Thurmond Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement (state officer) from the United States Attorney’s Office District of South Carolina in 2009.
Bill Kadlowec is a Model of Excellence. This award honors Bill’s extraordinary dedication and service, his work ethic, and his ability to connect individuals to reduce motor vehicle-related fraud by assisting consumers and holding criminals accountable.

1. The nominee aided in a motor vehicle-related issue or worked innovatively with law enforcement or led efforts to connect law enforcement or motor vehicle-related organizations in pursuit of funding or justice during an investigation or prosecution of a motor vehicle-related case.
2. The nominee has provided exceptional service to the NOTFEA community, it’s members or the organization.
3. A nominee can be nominated by the public, a member of NOTFEA, or selected by a unanimous vote of the NOTFEA board.

*Nominees can be eligible by meeting any of the criteria listed above.
*This is not an annual award.

Link to word document nomination form.

Link to PDF document nomination form.

William D. “Bill” Kadlowec Award Recipients



David Reeder – Senior Director Enterprise Security Operations – Cox Automotive, Inc.


Jenny Stanger – Supervisor Business Analyst – Utah Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division